本鋼琴老師以最高榮譽於澳洲南昆士蘭州大學音樂系畢業。曾獲邀於當地大小音樂會演奏。師承澳洲音樂考試之主考官Wendy Lorenz, 精通音樂理論,鋼琴伴奏及獨奏 鋼琴老師 | 演奏

二十多年古箏教學經驗,多年網上教外國學生經騇,面授或網上,免費自學初級及中級。 More than 20 years of experience in teaching guzheng. I have many years of experience in teaching guzheng online for foreigner. Face To Face Or Online Lesson.

On this Valentine s Day flowers are delivered by different techniques which makes an individual go delighted. This occasion is elegant by nature and involves various varieties like Roses, Gerberas, Ca
S商業 / 商業優惠Spain24x7

Sunrise has devoted herself to be one of the best ESL job agencies in China since it's established, by providing TEFL jobs.
商業 / 語言課程sunriseesljobs

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We offer flexible timings unlike most other mediums of training, students can pick their schedule according to their availability. We share videos of each Workday HCM training tutorial
d教學進修 / 專業課程draketucker42

Venture Business Centre provides one-stop business services for clients. Including but not limited to premier serviced offices, virtual office, meeting room rental, company formation and accounting.
v商業 / 顧問venturegroup

One Tick Design Co.是一家成立多年的香港廣告設計公司。 自創業以來,一直秉承著“顧客為尊、誠信經營”,為顧客提供高質素的服務,並在滿足客戶需求的同時,力求創新、為客戶打造多方位、多層次的綜合性專業設計等服務。
O設計 / 平面設計One Tick Multimedia Limited Company

【獨有完整獸醫檢查報告】 30天健康保證 可愛活潑 三個月大仔仔! 持牌 歡迎預約到店睇狗 Whatsapp:56168839
寵物 / 寵物轉讓五月貓舍

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre provide a one-stop shop for technology transfer and commercialisation. 物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心提供一站式技術轉移及商品化服務
l商業 / 顧問lscmfp

建有19橦海景/ 泳池景獨立屋,3-4房(1-2套房)選擇。19 Villas with seaview or poolside 3-4 bedrooms (3-4 Suite).

我們上門維修服務,直接為顧客提供快捷 上門檢查 及 維修打印機 服務COPYRIGHTED by 88DB. ORIGINAL SOURCE https://88DB.com.hk/ad-5494195/ 我們的專業團隊,均有豐富維修經驗,能提供專業檢查及評估,高效解決各種文儀器材損壞問題COPYRIGHTED by 88DB. ORIGINAL SOURCE https://88DB.com.h

Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.

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二手,購自香港One Community Worldwide Limited,elife,有單,有操作說明,家人已痊愈,故此出售。 功用:改善全身健康(神經、循環、消化、泌尿、免疫、骨骼、脂肪、皮膚系統),有世界權威認證,歡迎查詢

香工高層有窗開揚,特色靚裝,ONE LCK精心出品,屋宇署入則,用材高檔,物有所值,小額投資升值看高一線!現貨現睇冇走雞,現有少量單位熱銷中……
物業地產 / 辦公室買賣戴先生 Jimmy Dai
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